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Every API call that returns a list of items will be paginated. This includes the following endpoints:

Parameters for Pagination

To paginate, the following parameters may be used:

Parameter Example Meaning
limit 10 Amount of list items to retrieve. Defaults to 10. Must be a valid integer between 0 and 100.
sort name Property on the paginated item to sort by. Defaults to inserted_at if not stated otherwise.
sort_direction ascending Direction of the sort defined in the sort parameter. Can be either ascending or descending. Defaults to descending.
retrieve_after 881af0c9-72c2-4758-af09-4901bef0c15c ID of the last paginated item from where to paginate from depending on the sort and sort_direction parameters. For example: if sort=inserted_at and sort_direction=descending, then only items older than the item with the specified ID will be returned.
before 2017-09-05T13:46:47.956173Z Return only items that were created before a certain time. Allowed date types are listed below.
after 2017-09-04T03:12:02.882313Z Return only items that were created after a certain time. Allowed date types are listed below.

Supported Date Types

The before and after parameters may be expressed as these types:

  • Unix Epoch Timestamp: number of seconds since UNIX epoch
  • ISO 8601 Basic: <date>T<time><offset>. Full date and time specification without separators.
  • ISO 8601 Basic Z: <date>T<time>Z. Full date and time in UTC without separators (e.g. 20070813T134801Z)
  • ISO 8601 Extended: <date>T<time><offset>. Full date and time specification with separators. (e.g. 2007-08-13T16:48:01 +03:00)
  • ISO 8601 Extended Z: <date>T<time>Z. Full date and time in UTC. (e.g. 2007-08-13T13:48:01Z)
  • ISO 8601 Date: YYYY-MM-DD. That is, 4-digit year number, followed by 2-digit month and day numbers (e.g. 2007-08-13)

The retrieve_after_id Property

Every API call that returns a list in the body field will also return a retrieve_after_id property on the root level. This field contains the ID of the last item in the list and should be used for further pagination.

  "status": 200,
  "retrieve_after_id": "0ff0c75a-b2ac-4051-a2df-d2c0fa97655c",
  "ok": true,
  "body": [ /* Items */ ]