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Device Data Structure

A device is anything that produces or consumes data in the form of packets or readings. It usually represents a physical sensor, but it can also represent a virtual device or an intermediate component such as a gateway or routing system.

Every device can have any number of interfaces attached. An interface connects the device with the driver by providing device-specific configuration parameters such as identifiers (EUIs, UUIDs) and individual per-interface configuration. This way, the platform allows hardware with multiple connectivity options (e.g. with both a LPWAN chip and Wireless LAN) to be represented by a single device.

In responses, a device looks like this:

  "updated_at": "2017-08-09T09:27:17.641848",
  "template_id": null,
  "type": "generic",
  "tags": [
      "updated_at": "2017-08-14T08:58:58.975238",
      "slug": "air-quality",
      "name": "Air Quality",
      "mandate_id": "50e032fb-964f-440d-9b9a-47870667373c",
      "inserted_at": "2017-01-01T00:00:01.000000",
      "id": "b9a52ff7-1aad-4283-ab57-0c0b4317f586",
      "description": "Air Quality Sensors",
      "default_layers_id": null,
      "default_graph_preset_id": null,
      "color_hue": 213
  "static_location": true,
  "slug": "device-1",
         "name":"Beispiel Profil",
         "name":"Example Name"
  "parser_id": "cee40cb2-f58c-4ca8-ae91-4ae76cba5119",
  "name": "Device #1",
  "meta": {},
  "mandate_id": "50e032fb-964f-440d-9b9a-47870667373c",
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
  "interfaces": [
      "opts": {
        "network_session_key": "",
        "managed": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "duplicate_framecounter_allowed": true,
        "device_type": "otaa",
        "device_key": "",
        "device_eui": "",
        "device_address": "",
        "app_session_key": ""
      "id": "0f7c53ae-4366-42dd-9ffc-158e1ccae7aa",
      "driver_instance_id": "9cf80c6a-1669-4cbf-96d0-9eefb707d294",
      "device_id": "a70a234e-d186-4ca8-836b-74816738939e"
  "inserted_at": "2017-08-09T09:24:42.866589",
  "id": "a70a234e-d186-4ca8-836b-74816738939e",
  "fields": {
    "example_profile": {
      "name":"Example Name"
Key Example Description
name Device #1 Name of the device
slug device-1 URL-compatible name-based slug
icon device Icon name for the device
id a70a234e-d186-4ca8-836b-74816738939e Unique device ID (UUID4)
type generic Enumerated type of the device. Can be generic, gateway, virtual or sensor
static_location true Boolean value stating whether the device will have a fixed geolocation
location {"location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [40.3684324046728, 42.221249216157474]}} GeoJSON point of the device location
meta {} Freeform JSON object that may contain any data
tags [ ... tags ... ] An array of folders
interfaces [ ... interfaces ... ] An array of interfaces
profile_data [ ... profile_data ... ] An array of profile_data entries with connected profiles (since v2.4.0)
fields {"profile_name": {"key": "value"}} JSON Object for accessing the values from connected profiles (since v2.4.0)
parser_id cee40cb2-f58c-4ca8-ae91-4ae76cba5119 Reference to a parser used for parsing packets
mandate_id 50e032fb-964f-440d-9b9a-47870667373c Reference to the mandate this device belongs to
template_id 0100ecd4-9ace-4e5b-bf8e-17e09a023f8c Reference to the template used for tis device
updated_at 2017-08-09T09:27:17.641848 Date of the last change to the device
inserted_at 2017-08-09T09:24:42.866589 Date of the creation to the device

List all Devices

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/

To filter with a selector, use this endpoint:


Example Requests


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "retrieve_after_id": "a70a234e-d186-4ca8-836b-74816738939e",
  "ok": true,
  "body": [
    // Contains an array of devices

This endpoint returns a paginated list of devices.

If you want to configure the sort order or restrict the results to a specific time interval, please refer to the Pagination section of this documentation.

The data from profiles is not included by default in the device listing. Adding the profile and data can be done using the parameter &with_profile=1 (since v2.4.0).

You can preload between 0 and 20 of the last readings of each device by passing the parameter last_readings=x where x is the desired amount of readings. If a value greater than 0 is passed, each device will have an additional field called last_readings which contains a list of the readings, ordered from newest to oldest.


By using selectors, the device list can be filtered by certain identifiers, such as EUIs of interfaces.

The device list can also be filtered by supplying an AbacusSql expression with the filter query parameter. Since the language contains special characters, make sure to URI encode the filters.

The root schema of the filter is a device.

Both ways of supplying filters can be used at the same time, which will mean that both conditions must be met for a device to appear in the list.

Show a single Device

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the device

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device.

Create a new Device

Method: POST, Endpoint: /devices

Example Request

  "device": {
    "name": "New Name",
    "type": "sensor",
    "tags": [
        "id": "9e5121d8-dbb7-42d9-ba46-1bc95af3a350"
        "action": "create",
        "name": "New Folder",
        "color_hue": 100

Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the new device


At least one tag must be provided!


Encapsulate all parameters to be changed in a device object in the request body.

To save a device with folders, there are two options, both usable at the same time. You can use existing folders by referencing their ID as in the "tags": [{"id": "9e5121d8-dbb7-42d9-ba46-1bc95af3a350"}] notation. You can also instruct ELEMENT to create a new folder prior to creating the device by using the action: create property, as in "tags": [{"action": "create", "name": "That new folder", "color_hue": 100}]. Make sure you supply the name and color hue to be used in the frontend.

Edit single Device

Method: PUT or PATCH, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id

Example Request

  "device": {
    "name": "New Name",
    "type": "sensor"

Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the changed device


Encapsulate all parameters to be changed in a device object in the request body.

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device.

Delete single Device

Method: DELETE, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the deleted device

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device.

Show Interfaces for Device

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id/interfaces

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains a list of the interfaces attached to the device

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device.

This endpoint returns a paginated list of interfaces for this particular device. Please refer to the interfaces documentation for the contents of the response.

Show Packets for Device

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug/packets

To use a selector instead of :id_or_slug, use this endpoint:


Streaming variants:

  • /devices/:id_or_slug/packets/stream
  • /devices/by-:type/:identifier/packets/stream

read more about streaming

Example Requests


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains a list of the packets attached to the device

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device.

The optional parameter packet_type can be used to filter packets by type. For example when only up packets are needed.

The sorting is fixed to transceived_at and can not be changed.

This endpoint returns a paginated list of packets for this particular device. Please refer to the packets documentation for the contents of the response.


Similarly to the device list, the packets list can be filtered with AbacusSql expressions by supplying it with the filter query parameter.

The root schema for this filter is a packet.

Show Readings for Device

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug/readings

To use a selector instead of :id_or_slug, use this endpoint:


Streaming variants:

  • /devices/:id_or_slug/readings/stream
  • /devices/by-:type/:identifier/readings/stream

read more about streaming


Query Parameter Description
String *****
API Key or JWT
To go to the next page, pass the ID of the last reading from the result list here.
Read more about pagination
Column to sort the readings by
(default measured_at)
asc or desc
Switch the sort direction
(default desc)
Integer 1-100
Control how many readings are loaded per page
(default 10)
Only show readings measured before this date
Only show readings measured after this date
Expression that filters the readings.
The root schema of the filter is a reading.

Example Requests


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains a list of the readings attached to the device

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device.

The sorting is fixed to measured_at and can not be changed.

This endpoint returns a paginated list of readings for this particular device. Please refer to the readings documentation for the contents of the response.

If you want to configure the sort order or restrict the results to a specific time interval, please refer to the Pagination section of this documentation.


Similarly to the device list, the readings list can be filtered with AbacusSql expressions by supplying it with the filter query parameter.

The root schema for this filter is a reading.

Create Action for Device

Create packet for device

If you just want to create a packet for a device, use the resource Create a Packet for Device

Method: POST, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug/interfaces/:interface_id/actions/:action_name

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device.

The needed fields in opts can be found in the detail view of a action.

Example Request

  "opts": {
    "port": 1,
    "payload": "CAFE",
    "immediately": true,
    "acknowledge": false

Example Response

  "id": "4aaaa220-41bb-4bb1-b26a-447b35087ef7",
  "type": "send_down_frame",
  "state": "pending",
  "result": null,
  "order": null,
  "opts": {
    "port": 1,
    "payload": "CAFE",
    "immediately": true,
    "acknowledge": false
  "device_id": "c2cb74b9-a615-47bc-a013-7c3408abb5da",
  "mandate_id": "6c11c072-fe80-4491-a22f-2e65670b0a5d",
  "interface_id": "3ae83c57-6c28-4292-87ca-c570924d3365",
  "executed_at": null,
  "inserted_at": "2019-08-06T07:29:23.343062Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-08-06T07:29:23.352383Z"


The packets and readings of a device can be pushed using a websocket.