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Interface Data Structure

An interface is the connection between an instance of a driver and a device. Devices can have any number of interfaces, and each interface is connected to exactly one driver.

In responses, an interface looks like this:

  "opts": {
    "network_session_key": "",
    "managed": true,
    "eui": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "duplicate_framecounter_allowed": true,
    "device_type": "otaa",
    "device_key": "",
    "device_eui": "",
    "device_address": "",
    "app_session_key": ""
  "id": "68e8e794-1abe-45d6-a63e-158ed5d611ef",
  "driver_instance_id": "9cf80c6a-1669-4cbf-96d0-9eefb707d294",
  "device_id_or_slug": "43b5dca3-e7d9-4028-9309-c26ac0c08721"
Key Example Description
id 68e8e794-1abe-45d6-a63e-158ed5d611ef Unique interface ID (UUID4)
opts {"enabled": true, "duplicate_framecounter_allowed": true, "device_type": "otaa"} A JSON object containing all relevant configuration options
device_id_or_slug 43b5dca3-e7d9-4028-9309-c26ac0c08721 Reference to the device this interface belongs to
driver_instance_id 9cf80c6a-1669-4cbf-96d0-9eefb707d294 Reference to the device this interface belongs to

Configuration Options

Depending on the driver being used, a number of configuration options may be provided. Please refer to the driver documentation for details.

List all Interfaces

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id_or_slug/interfaces

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "retrieve_after_id": "a70a234e-d186-4ca8-836b-74816738939e",
  "ok": true,
  "body": [
    // Contains an array of interfaces

This endpoint returns a paginated list of interfaces.

If you want to configure the sort order or restrict the results to a specific time interval, please refer to the Pagination section of this documentation.

Show a single Interface

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id_or_slug/interfaces/:interface_id

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the interface

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device. The interface ID must be the id of the interface.

Create a new Interface

Method: POST, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id_or_slug/interfaces

Example Request

  "interface": {
    "name": "New Interface Name",
    "type": "sensor"

Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the new interface


Encapsulate all parameters to be changed in a interface object in the request body.

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device. The interface ID must be the id of the interface.

Edit single Interface

Method: PUT or PATCH, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id_or_slug/interfaces/:interface_id

Example Request

  "interface": {
    "name": "New Name",
    "color_hue": 40

Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the changed interface


Encapsulate all parameters to be changed in a interface object in the request body.

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device. The interface ID must be the id of the interface.

Delete single Interface

Method: DELETE, Endpoint: /devices/:device_id_or_slug/interfaces/:interface_id

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the deleted interface

The device ID may be either the id or the slug of the device. The interface ID must be the id of the interface.