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A mandate is the main structure for all information. Mandates isolate and encapsulate organizational data (users, user groups, folders, API keys) and logical data (devices, parsers, interfaces, packets, readings).

All API requests are bound to one specific mandate which is being retrieved from the API key that is being used to initiate the request.

Mandates can only be created/updated/deleted using the Administration-UI.


The packets and readings of all devices in a mandate can be pushed using a websocket.

List all mandates

Method: GET, Endpoint: /mandates

!!! A Superadmin-API-Key will have access to all mandates. Common Admin-API-Keys will only see their own mandate.

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "retrieve_after_id": "50e032fb-964f-440d-9b9a-47870667373c",
  "ok": true,
  "body": [
    // Contains an array of mandates

This endpoint returns a paginated list of mandates. The inserted_at or name property may be used for sorting.

If you want to configure the sort order or restrict the results to a specific time interval, please refer to the Pagination section of this documentation.

Show a single mandate

Method: GET, Endpoint: /mandates/:mandate_id

!!! A Superadmin-API-Key will have access to all mandates. Common Admin-API-Keys will only see their own mandate.

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    "slug": "example",
    "name": "Example Mandate",
    "id": "50e032fb-964f-440d-9b9a-47870667373c"