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Packet Data Structure

A packet is a representation of sensor data generated by a device trough a driver. It may produce any number of readings using a parser.

Packets can be accessed using the API, or pushed by a websocket.

In responses, a packet looks like this:

  "transceived_at": "2017-07-31T12:15:18.289981Z",
  "payload_encoding": "json",
  "payload": {
    "payload": 42
  "packet_type": "up",
  "meta": {"more": "data"},
  "interface_id": "cee40cb2-f58c-4ca8-ae91-4ae76cba5119",
  "inserted_at": "2017-07-31T12:15:18.289981Z",
  "id": "3e097a97-e504-4b4b-8182-ae148f2109f3",
  "device_id": "43b5dca3-e7d9-4028-9309-c26ac0c08721"
Key Example Description
transceived_at 2017-07-31T12:15:18.289981Z Date of when the packet was sent by device or received by the platform
id 3e097a97-e504-4b4b-8182-ae148f2109f3 Unique packet ID (UUID4)
payload_encoding json Encoding of the packet payload. Can be json, binary, utf8 or none
payload {"payload": 42} Payload as JSON string, binary HEX data, UTF8 string, or null for no value
packet_type up Optional type of the packet, can be up, down or any other value.
meta {} Freeform JSON object as string that may contain any data
is_meta false If packet contains only metadata. If true the packet will not be parsed (deprecated in 3.30.0, use skip_parsers instead)
skip_parsers false If packet contains only metadata. If true the packet will NOT be parsed (since 3.30.0)
skip_rules false If true the rules will be skipped (since 3.30.0)
inserted_at 2017-07-31T12:15:18.289981Z Date of the creation to the device
interface_id cee40cb2-f58c-4ca8-ae91-4ae76cba5119 Reference to a interface
device_id 50e032fb-964f-440d-9b9a-47870667373c Reference to the device this packet belongs to

List Packets by Device

Please refer to the device documentation for listing packets by device.

List Packets by Folder

Please refer to the folder documentation for listing packets by folder.

API Routes

Show a Packet for Device

Method: GET, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug/packets/:packet_id

Example Requests


Create a Packet for Device

Needed feature: api_packets_writeable

This method needs the feature "API packets writeable" enabled

Send packet to device

If you want to send a packet to a device, like a LoRaWAN DOWN frame, use the resource Create Action for Device

Method: POST, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug/packets

Creating a packet will process it with the parser assigned to the device.

Example Requests


# Minimal packet data
    "packet": {
        "payload_encoding": "binary",
        "payload": "CAFEBABE"

# Maximal packet data
    "packet": {
        "payload_encoding": "json",
        "payload": "{\"answer\": 42}",
        "packet_type": "up",
        "meta": {"more": "data"},
        "transceived_at": "2017-07-31T12:15:18.289981Z", # If not given, current timestamp will be used
        "interface_id": "68e8e794-1abe-45d6-a63e-158ed5d611ef", # Interface needs to exist in device
        "id": "3e097a97-e504-4b4b-8182-ae148f2109f3" # Can be given to create packets with existing UUIDs

Update a Packet for Device

Needed feature: api_packets_writeable

This method needs the feature "API packets writeable" enabled

Updating a packet will not process it with the parser assigned to the device.

Method: PUT, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug/packets/:packet_id

Example Requests


# Same as for creating packet.
# Can not change packet id, inserted_at, or device association.

Delete a Packet for Device

Needed feature: api_packets_writeable

This method needs the feature "API packets writeable" enabled

Method: DELETE, Endpoint: /devices/:id_or_slug/packets/:packet_id

If readings created from the packet should be deleted, use the query parameter &remove_readings=true.

Example Requests