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Parser Data Structure

A parser is a component that converts a packet payload into one or more readings.

Please check our parser section for more information about how parsers work.

In responses, a parser looks like this:

  "updated_at": "2017-07-31T12:19:28.278864Z",
  "name": "Test Parser",
  "mandate_id": "50e032fb-964f-440d-9b9a-47870667373c",
  "language": "ex",
  "inserted_at": "2017-07-27T07:27:37.799170Z",
  "id": "e49823a7-4717-4670-b4e9-c22d8b50b751",
  "code": "defmodule Parser do\n  use Platform.Parsing.Behaviour\n\n  def parse(event, _meta) do\n    %{result: 1}\n  end\nend"
Key Example Description
id 3e097a97-e504-4b4b-8182-ae148f2109f3 Unique parser ID (UUID4)
code defmodule … Parser code as a string in the language expressed by language
language ex Programming language used in the parser code. Supported: ex for Elixir code.
inserted_at 2017-07-31T12:15:18.289981Z Date of the creation to the parser
updated_at 2017-07-31T12:15:18.289981Z Date of the last edit of the parser
mandate_id cee40cb2-f58c-4ca8-ae91-4ae76cba5119 Reference to a mandate to which this parser belongs
name Test Parser Name of the parser

List all Parsers

Method: GET, Endpoint: /parsers

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "retrieve_after_id": "a70a234e-d186-4ca8-836b-74816738939e",
  "ok": true,
  "body": [
    // Contains an array of parsers

This endpoint returns a paginated list of parsers.

If you want to configure the sort order or restrict the results to a specific time interval, please refer to the Pagination section of this documentation.

Show a single Parser

Method: GET, Endpoint: /parsers/:parser_id

Example Request


Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "ok": true,
  "body": {
    // Contains the parser

The parser ID must be the id of the parser.