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Mandates separate customers from each other.


Field Type Description
name string Display name of the mandate. Displayed in the top-left corner of the ELEMENT UI
slug string Technical name of the mandate. Use this name in the login form
limit_max_api_keys int If not null, limits the maximum amount of API Keys this mandate can have
allow_registration boolean If true, new users can use the register form to get access to the mandate
default_language string 2-letter country code of the default language for new users in this mandate
theme json KV-Store of theme colors of this mandate
inserted_at ISO8601 ISO 8601 String of the time the mandate was created
updated_at ISO8601 ISO 8601 String of the time the mandate was updated


Association Cardinality Foreign Entity Description Can access
api_keys many API keys API keys of this mandate
users many Users Users in this mandate
tags many Folders Folders in this mandate
groups many User groups User groups in this mandate
devices many Devices Devices in this mandate
owned_drivers many Driver instances All driver instances that are owned by this mandate
shared_drivers many Driver instances All driver instances that are shared with this mandate