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A packet contains the payload send by a device using a driver instance.


Field Type Description
id uuid ID of this packet
payload string or json Depending on the given payload_encoding, this field contains either a Hexadecimal string representation of the binary value, JSON data, or a UTF8 string
payload_encoding string One of binary, utf8, json
packet_type string Type of the packet. The value depends on the driver
meta map Metadata of the packet. The contents depend on the driver
transceived_at ISO8601 The time this packet was received by the infrastructure. This varies by driver.
inserted_at ISO8601 The time this packet was inserted into the database. This is usually the same time when the driver receives the packet from the infrastructure.
is_meta boolean If true, this packet will not be passed to parsers (deprecated in 3.30.0, use skip_parsers instead)
skip_parsers boolean If true, this packet will not be passed to parsers (since 3.30.0)
skip_rules boolean If true, rules for this packet will be skipped (since 3.30.0)


Association Cardinality Foreign Entity Description Can access
interface one Device-Interfaces The interface that sent or received this packet
device one Devices The device that sent or received this packet
gateway_stats many Gateway stats List of gateways that received this packet with extra data such as RSSI and SNR. Depends on driver