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A user can login with an Email and password. The given role and groups define the effective permissions.


Field Type Description
id uuid Unique ID for this user
name string The name of the User, like Max Mustermann
email string The E-Mail of the device
selected_language string Preferred language, can be de or en
role string Role of the user, can be read_only, user or admin
password_hash string Secure salted hash
reset_password_token string Token that is used in password-reset link
reset_password_sent_at ISO8601 Timestamp when password-reset link was generated
remember_created_at ISO8601 Timestamp of login with "remember-me" checked
sign_in_count integer Increments each time a user logs in
current_sign_in_at ISO8601 The time and date the user logged in
current_sign_in_ip string The IP address of the logged in user
last_sign_in_at ISO8601 The previous login time and date
last_sign_in_ip string The previous login IP address
failed_attempts integer Increments each time a login failed
locked_at ISO8601 Timestamp when user was locked
unlock_token string Token to unlock a locked user
inserted_at ISO8601 Timestamp when user was created
updated_at ISO8601 Timestamp when user was changed


Association Cardinality Foreign Entity Description Can access
mandate one Mandate The mandate this user is in
groups many User group List of user groups this device is in