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CSV Importer

Importing devices from a CSV file can be done using an easy to use wizard.

Starting the wizard

  1. Click on the folder in the device-treeview on the left you want to import the devices in.
  2. In the dashboard of the folder you will find a button labeled "IMPORT".
  3. Click that button and a wizard will open.

Hint: The devices will be imported in the selected folder.

Closing the wizard can be done using the "X" or "CLOSE" at the top.

Using the wizard

The wizard will lead you through the process auf importing a CSV file containing devices and driver configuration.

First step is to select a supported driver. Not all drivers support importing files at the moment.

Second step is to select the .csv file you want to import. The file will be parsed in you browser and the found data will be displayed in a table. Consider the format of the CSV file.

Third step is to select a parser that will be assigned to the devices while importing. If there is no parser selected, no parser will be assigned. See parser documentation for more information about parsers.

If a device could not be parsed successfully, the validation errors will be shown. A device that passed validation will have a "IMPORT" button. Pressing that button will import that single device and display if the action was successful.

There is also a "IMPORT ALL" button, that will import all importable devices in sequence.

CSV Format

The CSV file needs to have the file extension .csv, .txt or any other text based file. Using a .xls, .xslx or .ods directly is not possible.

We try to detect the used delimiter, but its recommended to use ; or ,. Quoting and newlines will be detected too.

Start the CSV file directly with a header, followed by the payload in the next line, like in this example:


Empty lines in the payload will be omitted.

Profile data

The import CSV can contain rows with data for profiles. The profiles need to exist and the format rules from the fields will be checked.

If there is a profile with the technical name adresse and a field with the technical name strasse, the CSV column needs to be named like profile:adresse.strasse.

Location data

The import CSV can contain rows for the GPS location of the device.

The latitude and longitude need to be in columns named GPS-Lat and GPS-Lon. The format of the values is 53.555034 and 9.995450.

Driver specific formats

Devices in drivers may need specific fields and values, so they have their own formats.


The ELEMENT LNS will need a name for the device and the LoRaWAN details. A CSV template for LoRaWAN 1.0 can be found here. The following table will give you an overview for the available headers:

Header Example Description
(or Title, Bezeichnung, Serien, Serial)
Useful-Sensor Name of the device, if none found the EUI will be used
(or Aktivierung)
OTAA LoRaWAN activation method. Can be OTAA, or ABP
(or Klasse)
A LoRaWAN class. Can be A (default), or C. If none given, will be tried to detect
(or Dev-ID, Device-EUI, DevEUI)
0123456789ABCDEF Device-EUI in HEX format with length 16
(or Device-Key, Dev-Key)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Application-Key in HEX format with length 32 needed for OTAA activation
(or Join-EUI)
0123456789ABCDEF Application-EUI in HEX format with length 16
(or Device-Addr, Dev-Addr, Dev-Address, Address)
01234567 Device-Address in HEX format with length 8 needed for ABP activation
(or NwkSKey)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Network-Session-Key in HEX format with length 32 needed for ABP activation
(or AppSessionKey, AppSKey)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Application-Session-Key in HEX format with length 32 needed for ABP activation
(or Net-Id, NetId)
0 NetId in integer format needed for registered networks. Default is 0

If there is no activation (OTAA or ABP) given, it will be detected using this rules:

  • If there is a Device-EUI and Application-Key set, activation will be OTAA
  • If there is a Device-Address, Network-Session-Key and Application-Session-Key set, activation will be ABP.

If there is no class set, the default A will be used.

There is no need to provide always all columns. OTAA devices only require the needed subset. ABP devices require their subset.


The ELEMENT Gateway-Management-System driver will need a Gateway-ID, a name and secret for probe if installed.

An example csv template is available here, which contains a gateway using probe and one without probe. The following table will give you an overview for the available headers:

Header Example Description
(or Title, Bezeichnung, Serien, Serial)
Useful-Sensor Name of the device, if none found the EUI will be used
(or Gateway)
0102030400000001 ID of the sensor in HEX format with length 16
(or Geheim)
a22fdac036ca363b Secret shared with gateway
(or Probe-Aktiv)
yes Flag if probe is enabled on gateway. "yes" or "1" for true, "no" or "0" for false
(or Hersteller)
Kerlink Optional name of vendor if not using probe
(or Produkt)
Wirnet Station Optional name of product if not using probe
(or LNS-Timeout)
60000 Optional amount of milliseconds gateway will be considered offline after no communication with LNS

WMBus Bridge Format

The WMBus Bridge will need a name for the device and the WMBus details. At least a Server-ID is needed. The AES-Key is optional.

A CSV template for LoRaWAN 1.0 can be found here. The following table will give you an overview for the available headers:

Header Example Description
(or Title, Bezeichnung, Serien, Serial)
WMBus-Sensor Name of the device, if none found the Server-ID will be used
(or Server-ID, Server)
0123456789ABCDEF Server-IDs in HEX format as comma separated list
(or AES, Key, Secret)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF AES encryption key in HEX format with length 32 (optional)

Actility ThingPark Format

Actility ThingPark requires the Device Profile Id for the device. Below the Table you'll find a list of approved device_profile_id's, only put in the corresponding id to the device's Type into the csv. Like the example shows. source_ports, may be either empty, *, a number or a list of numbers. A list is just numbers, separated by a semicolon. An example template for Actility is available here, which also contains some false examples.

The following table will give you an overview for the available headers:

Header Example Description
(or Title, Bezeichnung, Serien, Serial)
Useful-Sensor Name of the device, if none found the EUI will be used
(or Aktivierung)
OTAA LoRaWAN activation method. Can be OTAA, or ABP
device_profile_id LORA/GenericC.1_ETSI_Rx2-SF12 Id of the device profile (device model) associated with the device. Ids are determined by Actility Thingpark (see list below for all supported profiles)
(or Dev-ID, Device-EUI, DevEUI)
0123456789ABCDEF Device-EUI in HEX format with length 16
(or Device-Key, Dev-Key)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Application-Key in HEX format with length 32 needed for OTAA activation
(or Join-EUI)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Join-EUI in HEX format with length 32
(or Device-Addr, Dev-Addr, Dev-Address, Address)
01234567 Device-Address in HEX format with length 8 needed for ABP activation
(or NwkSKey)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Network-Session-Key in HEX format with length 32 needed for ABP activation
(or AppSessionKey, AppSKey)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Application-Session-Key in HEX format with length 32 needed for ABP activation
source_ports 21;3;5 LoRa port(s) which should use this application session key. Wildcard ’*’ or just the empty field indicates to use this application session key for all LoRa ports used by the device. Use a single port "2" or a list "2;22;34;12".

If there is no activation (OTAA or ABP) given, it will be detected using this rules:

  • If there is a Device-EUI and Application-Key set, activation will be OTAA
  • If there is a Device-Address, Network-Session-Key and Application-Session-Key set, activation will be ABP.

There is no need to provide always all columns. OTAA devices only require the needed subset. ABP devices require their subset.

OTAA = {device_eui, join_eui, device_key}
ABP ={app_session_key, device_network_address, network_session_key, source_ports}

The following list is approved by Element Iot, to be compatible with actility thingpark:

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class C - ETSI - Rx2_SF12 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericC.1_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaMote EU fw4 - class A | eu868",
  id: "SMTC/LoRaMoteA.1_EU"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class A - Rx2_SF12 | us915",
  id: "LORA/GenericA.1_FCC_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revB - class A - Rx2_SF12 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericA.1.0.2b_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revA - class A - Rx2_SF12 | us915",
  id: "LORA/GenericA.1.0.2a_FCC_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revA - class B - Rx2_SF12 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericB.1.0.2a_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class A - Rx2_SF12 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericA.1_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revB - class C - Rx2_SF12 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericC.1.0.2b_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaMote EU fw4 - class C | eu868",
  id: "SMTC/LoRaMoteC.1_EU"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class A - Rx2_SF9 | us915",
  id: "LORA/GenericA.1_FCC_Rx2-SF9"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revA - class C - Rx2_SF12 | au915",
  id: "LORA/GenericC.1.0.2a_FCC_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class A - Rx2_SF9 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericA.1_ETSI_Rx2-SF9"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class C - Rx2_SF9 | us915",
  id: "LORA/GenericC.1_FCC_Rx2-SF9"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class C - ETSI - Rx2_SF9 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericC.1_ETSI_Rx2-SF9"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0 - class C - Rx2_SF12 | us915",
  id: "LORA/GenericC.1_FCC_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revA - class A - Rx2_SF12 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericA.1.0.2a_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revB - class B - Rx2_SF12 |eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericB.1.0.2b_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

  name: "LoRaWAN 1.0.2 revA - class C - Rx2_SF12 | eu868",
  id: "LORA/GenericC.1.0.2a_ETSI_Rx2-SF12"

Chirpstack LNS Format

The Chirpstack driver requires applications and device-profiles defined in the target Chirpstack server. Create these before devices can be created.

Creating a Chirpstack interface in ELEMENT IoT will result in creating a device on the Chirpstack server. Deleting the interface will delete the device on the Chirpstack server.

The Chirpstack LNS will need a name for the device and the LoRaWAN details. More LoRaWAN related settings are defined in the device-profile, like LoRaWAN Class A or B.

A CSV template for LoRaWAN 1.0 and 1.1 can be found here.

The following table will give you an overview of the available headers.

Header Example Description
(or Title, Bezeichnung, Serien, Serial)
My-Sensor Name of the device, if none found the EUI will be used
(or Dev-ID, Device-EUI, DevEUI)
0123456789ABCDEF Device-EUI in HEX format with length 16
(or App-Name)
Test-Application Name of the application in Chirpstack
Device-Profile-Name My-Sensor-Profile Name of the device-profile in Chirpstack
(or Application-Key)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Application-Key in HEX format with length 32
(or Net-Key, Nwk-Key)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Network-Key in HEX format with length 32
(or Device-Address, Device-Addr, Dev-Addr, Dev-Address)
01234567 Device-Address in HEX format with length 8
(or AppSessionKey, AppSKey)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Application-Session-Key in HEX format with length 32
(or NetworkSKey, NwkSKey)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Network-Session-Key in HEX format with length 32
Frame-Count-Up 10 Current Frame-Count for UP messages
Frame-Count-Down 2 Current Frame-Count for DOWN messages
(or NetworkSessionEncryptionKey, Network-S-Enc-Key, Nwk-S-Enc-Key)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Network-Session-Encryption-Key in HEX format with length 32
(or Serving-Network-Session-Key, Serving-Nwk-S-Int-Key)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Serving-Network-Session-Integrity-Key in HEX format with length 32
(or Forwarding-Network-Session-Key, Forwarding-Nwk-S-Int-Key)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Forwarding-Network-Session-Integrity-Key in HEX format with length 32
Network-Frame-Count-Up 10 Current Network-Frame-Count for UP messages
App-Frame-Count-Down 2 Current App-Frame-Count for DOWN messages

There is no need to provide always all columns. The required fields depend on the used Chirpstack application and device-profile.